Just when you think you're becoming accustomed to your morning routine, there's the morning when you just cannot get out of bed. In high school, it was a struggle to get myself into the classroom without being late. I had to spend a total of twelve hours in detention a week before senior prom, because I couldn't manage to wake up and get my butt to school on time every morning. The main motivational difference between getting up in high school and getting up for adulthood is my discovery of coffee. Coffee reassures that you will be waking up with a light at the end of the tunnel of your dreaded morning. You want to assume that you are a professional, "killin' it" at your first nine-to-five full-time job. But, then you have a random Wednesday that keeps you hitting the snooze button. The depressing reality of it, is you didn't even stay up late drinking. You can't smell the coffee that is a half an hour of getting ready, one hour of bumper-to-bumper traffic, 15 minutes of trying to find parking in the city, and 15 minutes of walking up to work away. Some days that motivational cup of Joe is an unreasonably far goal to reach. The adult inside of me flies straight out of the window and the good old kid I know just wants to sleep five more minutes and maybe five more. Of course when you finally arise from that coffin like a vampire of the night, you immediately regret your decision to continue dreaming about insecurities of the subconscious for five more minutes. You're brushing you're teeth and kicking yourself simultaneously. Trying to curate a flawless excuse with elaborate detail, but really your only excuse is that you literally "didn't want to". Which is ridiculous.
At first, hitting the snooze button with no real concern for getting to work on time, all to save yourself another five, well maybe thirty minutes, of sleep seems so inconsequential. Until, you come to realize that your nine-to-five job is paying for your ability to function in life as a real human being. It buys your food and your beer, pays your bills, and gives you structure so you don't become homeless. That is a lot to give up for hitting the snooze button, but what do I know? I'm new to this.
Want to hear more from this blogger? Visit Jessica Ryan's Portfolio.
At first, hitting the snooze button with no real concern for getting to work on time, all to save yourself another five, well maybe thirty minutes, of sleep seems so inconsequential. Until, you come to realize that your nine-to-five job is paying for your ability to function in life as a real human being. It buys your food and your beer, pays your bills, and gives you structure so you don't become homeless. That is a lot to give up for hitting the snooze button, but what do I know? I'm new to this.
Want to hear more from this blogger? Visit Jessica Ryan's Portfolio.
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