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It's Fate!

The last time I had ever heard mentioning of the phrase "life-crisis" is when my step-dad raced his Suzuki 1000 crotch rocket around town every night and fucked around on my mom. Being a teenager it seemed, by definition, a time when a man becomes tired of his wife and kids so he buys stupid things and does stupid stuff. For example, he has been married for a long time, he has teenage kids that are full of rebellion and rage, and a wife that wants absolutely nothing to do with him, because her kids are the main focus at that time. Add a nice expensive toy, a scandalous hot blonde, and a bloating confidence stemming from the sad realization he's done with his twenties, and well into his thirties and you have what is called a "mid-life crisis".
During this "mid-life crisis", it seems people go into a deep and depressing denial that fuels the ridiculous behaviors and decisions they take on when they realize life has caught up with them, and they are not getting any younger. So what does that mean for a "quarter-life crisis"? I am not sure. It feels like less of a bloated confidence, and more of a heavy fog of frustration, suppressed by the realization that you will be experiencing your "mid-life crisis" before you know it.
So far, being 25 years old is about being overworked and underpaid. Freshly dangling free from the financial umbilical cord of your parents. Sexually charged but growing into a "real" woman's body. Whatever that means. Learning to take care of yourself while being tossed into a literal living hell: adult life as we know it. So far it has been frustrating, yet oddly empowering. Slowly I am overcoming my quarter-life crisis.

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