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The Boob Tube

I've become incapable of watching TV. I used to be so good at it, but now its more of an effort than a pleasure. I'll start by turning it on with my remote app on my phone, because I lost the remote. Then, I will choose from one of my many streaming apps. (It's the only way I watch TV, because I am too broke to have cable. I just use my parents log-in's for everything.) I usually start off with Netflix. Then, I'll search through titles for about twenty minutes. "Top Picks for You, Popular, New Releases." I try to decide if I want to watch something quick like "Family Guy" or "Law & Order", or if I want to commit to a lengthier show such as "Breaking Bad" or "Westworld". Or maybe, I want to start a movie. But then you have to pick a genre. Do I want horror? A drama? A documentary? What type of brain capacity am I looking to use? A comedy doesn't use much as long as its not dry comedy. Or is my goal to learn something? I only have about three hours before I have to go to bed, and I rarely ever watch TV so it has to be just the right use of my time. Once I narrow down a few options, if I choose one that I haven't heard of before I have to go online and check the reviews. Anything that falls below 30% on Rotten Tomatoes, or 6/10 on IMDb isn't worth watching. While I'm at it, I didn't realize that particular actor was in this movie, and he's pretty hot. So, that pretty much trumps over all movie decision making. Now that I would finally have my movie picked out, wine in-hand, about a half hour in, I'll fall asleep on the couch.

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