Why does it feel like you are violating some type of societal standard by wearing the same outfit you did two weeks ago? If you've maxed out your JCPenny credit card, there's just no hope for a new outfit anytime soon. Your best option is to jazz up the outfits you own with different jewelry pairings, shoes, and hair styles. That is, assuming you actually care what you look like. From what has been gathered, impressions play a big role in being respected as a young adult. The sad reality is, people rely on first impressions, without judgement on your character, experience, or skills. How you dress and/or carry yourself is key when meeting someone for the first time. Everyone has a slightly skewed interpretation of first impressions. Two people can have completely different views of the same young woman. There is the society standard view and a view coming from truth. With the first view: Wow she dresses nice! What a respectable young woman. If she can...
Why is it that a bad day can turn into a bad week, and then into a bad couple of months? Is this a chain reaction from a negativity-focused mindset, or is it really that bad? A positive is that after bad incidents occur, there is a lesson to be learned, which puts me one-step ahead of who I was last week. Seems like only last week that my dog locked herself inside my car while I was pumping gas. When you have to give up nice things, like your brand new Jeep that has a keyless start, you forget that your used Nissan Versa hatchback has only one key that is still locked in, staring devilishly from the ignition. This is how I discovered the advantages of AAA about one incident too late. Just when you think you have everything figured out, you’re watching $70 float away as some chump pulls up an hour later and unlocks your car in about 5 seconds. The piling effect just proves to be true, as your bank account had less than $10 until tomorrow to eat and your goal of a five buck Lil Creaser’...