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Showing posts from September, 2017

The sun will come out, tomorrow..

Why is it that a bad day can turn into a bad week, and then into a bad couple of months? Is this a chain reaction from a negativity-focused mindset, or is it really that bad? A positive is that after bad incidents occur, there is a lesson to be learned, which puts me one-step ahead of who I was last week. Seems like only last week that my dog locked herself inside my car while I was pumping gas. When you have to give up nice things, like your brand new Jeep that has a keyless start, you forget that your used Nissan Versa hatchback has only one key that is still locked in, staring devilishly from the ignition. This is how I discovered the advantages of AAA about one incident too late. Just when you think you have everything figured out, you’re watching $70 float away as some chump pulls up an hour later and unlocks your car in about 5 seconds. The piling effect just proves to be true, as your bank account had less than $10 until tomorrow to eat and your goal of a five buck Lil Creaser’...